Remember like regular turrets the Animal King Turret shoots the whole bullet and with 4 guns that means you are getting 140% more bullet every time the animal king fires. Or would that be mortar/missile...?
I would imagine that all the claims Cave Johnson makes about the regular turret would hold true for the Animal King Turret as well, apart from the paint job of course
A forums' user has kicked it up a notch with shrine Animal King Turret in their bedroom, even getting a reply from valve after sending a few pictures in. While it's a start, I doubt a single shrine that small could ward off a hostile animal king takeover so maybe I should get to work on one.
This time by Deviant Art user zorofab. While he isn't attacking in this one I think the fan art captures the Animal King Turret's inner rage, a rage so deep it may cause a hostile takeover.
I've only put the image here very small to encourage you to click to see the full thing since it's one of the best animal king fanart pieces i've seen so far. The actual image is massive and you can really appreciate the detail that has gone into the depiction of a hostile animal king take over. The artist is David Kingaby going and there are some other cool pieces on his deviant art page here: